[ZPT] Has_role in ZPT (and if-then-else) ?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sat, 20 Oct 2001 22:05:16 +0200 (CEST)

Tony McDonald writes:
 > I was demoing the coolness and scalability of ZPT to a colleague the other
 > day and came across a problem I couldn't figure out (fortunately my
 > colleague trusts me on these things and knows there'll be a fix! :)
 > We were trying to change this code;
 > <dtml-if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('fmcc_man') or
 > AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('fmcc_admin') or
 > AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('fmcc') or AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('ltsn')
 > or AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('ltsn_man')">
 > <select> ... </select>
 > </dtml-if>
The direct translation is

  <select tal:condition="python: user.has_role('fmcc_man')
                                 or user.has_role('fmcc_admin')
				 or ....">

 > I then made a PythonScript that I thought might work;
 > ...
 > if request.AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role(therole):
 >     return 1
 > else:
 >     return 0
 > Now this *does* work if the AUTHENTICATED_USER has the role I'm looking for
 > (ie '1' returned). If AUTHENTICATED_USER does not have that role, this
 > PythonScript doesn't even return :(
What does happen instead?
An exception, an infinite loop?

In fact, the Python Script should work.

 > My colleague also asked about the
 > <dtml-if >
 > ....
 > <dtml-else>
 > ....
 > </dtml-if>
 > construct too, and how this might be done in ZPT. Again, what's the best
 > practice on this as well?
ZPT does not have a two way conditional. Thus, the direct
translation is:

   <tag condition="expr">
   <tag condition="not: expr">
