[ZPT] Has_role in ZPT (and if-then-else) ?
Tony McDonald
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 19:41:02 +0100
On 21/10/01 7:15 pm, "Evan Simpson" <evan@zope.com> wrote:
> Tony McDonald wrote:
>> I was demoing the coolness and scalability of ZPT to a colleague the other
>> day and came across a problem I couldn't figure out (fortunately my
>> colleague trusts me on these things and knows there'll be a fix! :)
> It looks like Dieter has got you past this problem, but I'll add a few
> comments.
>> <select tal:condition="python: roles in ['Manager', 'fmcc_admin', 'fmcc',
>> 'fmcc_man']"
> You can't use "in" to intersect lists. On the other hand, has_role()
> accepts lists.
Ah, *that* is very useful to know...
>> if request.AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role(therole):
>> return 1
>> else:
>> return 0
>> Now this *does* work if the AUTHENTICATED_USER has the role I'm looking for
>> (ie '1' returned). If AUTHENTICATED_USER does not have that role, this
>> PythonScript doesn't even return :(
> I presume that you tested this from the browser, using the Test tab.
> Trying to view a Script that is returning a false value (such as 0) in a
> browser causes the browser to continue to show whatever it loaded last.
> I suspect that if you tested it with <p tal:content="scriptname"></p>
> you would see "0".
Yes I did, and it was returning a false value. Yet another snippet to file
away for later use.
Many thanks for this Evan, you've saved me quite a lot of time recently! :)
Dr Tony McDonald, Assistant Director, FMCC, http://www.fmcc.org.uk/
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 243 6140
A Zope list for UK HE/FE http://www.fmcc.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/zope