[ZPT] Stranger than fiction

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 11:34:54 +0200

Zope 2.4.0 and PageTemplates/TAL 1.3.3

I stole some DTML Methods and mixed them among a PageTemplate based site.

The DTML Method lists a bunch of files and if viewed alone does NOT render
an error.
However, when the DTML Method is being "included" by the PageTemplate, I get
an error. A cryptic one too.

http://zigurat.galdrion.com:8180/Projects/zabber/files/ where the
does <span tal:replace="structure here/listfiles"/>

which as you can see works!!

What is going on here??

I know that DTML and PageTemplates CAN mix, but what are the restrictions
and quirks that I should know of?

the 'listfiles' DTML Method calls getFilesequence() (Python Script) which
looks like this:
return context.REQUEST.PARENTS[0].objectValues('File')

Thank you,