[ZPT] WebDAV PT idea
Evan Simpson
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 09:11:47 -0400
Chris Withers wrote:
> Been trying to get DreamWeaver and PageTemplates to 'play nice' over a WebDrive
> connection.
> No dice yet, but I had an idea.
> The source.html thing look really very cool and could solve a whole lot of
> problems (nneeding .html as an extension, the write-temp-delete-rename things,
> etc)
> How hard would it be to make ZPT's appear to be collections containing a single
> source.html object to WebDAV clients?
I played with this recently, and almost got it to work. It plays havok
with relative paths in the page, and it's pretty annoying to have to
"open" each template. It would probably take a bit of work to get this
to play nicely with DreamWeaver's "Sync" features, too.
On the other hand, it *might* be possible to make the Page Template
gracefully handle the whole "make temp file;rename;rename;delete"
process that unwary emacs and WebDrive editing does.
Evan @ Zope