[ZPT] how to access zpt with dramweaver ???

Robert Rottermann robert@redcor.ch
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 11:12:40 +0200


is there somebody out there who can tell me how I can access Zope/ZPT using
Dreamweaver (or Golive)

I see no way to have a situation that deals with the following conditions:

- no dots on the Zope side.
- a way to deal with the layout on dreamweaver side.

I tried to use the WebDAV source port with the -W option
I tried to save a file with "/source.html" appended to it
I made a directory on the windows side named like the Zope object and put
its content into a file called source.html in that directory. I cant upload
this directory/file  to Zope using either Dreamwever4 or Golive5.

I have been banging my head to the wall

none has helped.

Since there is a tutorial on the Zope site rather prominently promising to
tell  how to use ZPT and Dreamweaver I assume it should be possible.
Please somebody tell me how.