[ZPT] XPath expressions in TAL

Dethe Elza delza@alliances.org
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 10:35:32 -0700

In the TAL docs there are examples of ways it would be possible to 
extend the path expressions, one of which is XPath.  I'm very interested 
in using XPath in ZPT, so I was wondering, a) Has anyone worked on this 
already, or b) does anyone have suggestions where to start with this?

I have added XPath into my local Zope using ParsedXML and 4Suite's XPath 
implementation, but right now it's just an ExternalMethod and not very 
flexible.  I'm looking more at using ZPT to create editing interfaces 
for various XML languages.



Dethe Elza (delza@burningtiger.com)
Chief Mad Scientist
Burning Tiger Technologies (http://burningtiger.com)
Living Code Weblog (http://livingcode.ca)