[ZPT] syntax of conditions?

Call Me Audrey callmeaudrey@hotmail.com
Tue, 09 Apr 2002 19:39:29 -0400

getting the hang of basic ZPT, thanks list. question: how do i restrict to 
a) a specific directory and b) a specific mime type such as 'Kube'?

I can get tal:repeat="item container/objectValues" to work, yay. now I want 
to place restrictions such that only images or kubes or a certain directory 
gets listed.

below is the basic code. i tried things like tal:condition="item 
container/objectValues['Kube']" or placing a Python script named 'item' in 
the same directory whose only line is:
return container.objectValues(['Kube'])

thanks for any input. Audrey

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <td tal:repeat="item container/objectValues" height="26" align="center">
  <A HREF="" tal:attributes="href item/absolute_url">
  <span tal:replace="item/title">header link</span>

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