[ZPT] fixed url, or how to find python script

Call Me Audrey callmeaudrey@hotmail.com
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 17:15:22 -0400

how to make a fixed url (like for a constant-but-modular header) using zpt 
and macros? or, how to reference the python script that contains the fixed 
url? i tried:

<div metal:fill-slot="header">
<td tal:repeat="item python:base_href_py/container/objectValues"
height="26" align="center"><a href="" tal:attributes="href item">
<span tal:replace="item/title">header link</span></a></td>

with Python script "base_href_py" in same folder as index_html:
address = "http://[...]/"
print address
return printed

produces error: "Error Type: TALESError
        Error Value: exceptions.NameError on global name 'base_href_py' is 
not defined in '', at line 11, column 1"
why is it not defined? (it's RIGHT there! grrr...)

thanks for any input.



..¿·?.¿.Call Me Audrey·?.·.?







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