[ZPT] Build Template w/Macros from Python

Jim Kutter jim@ebizq.net
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 12:02:13 -0400

I was wondering if it was possible, and how to build a template page =
using metal macros from within a python script.

I have a page (entry.html) that does the use-macro jazz, and =
tal:replaces a form (form.html) into that page (I need the form code =
elsewhere too).

I also have a python script (process.py) that is the target of that form =
that does validation, etc... If there's an error with the form, that =
script writes the error messages to options/message, then returns the =
form (form.html) with those options.

Problem is I want the form to have the decorations with it that the =
use-macro(in entry.html) uses when it (form.html) is returned from the =
python script(process.py).

