[ZPT] [BUG] something wrong with METAL (as bundled with Zope 2.5.1)

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 20:07:30 +0200

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The templates that define macros appear to be looked up hundreds/thousands
of times. As lookup is very expensive in Zope (due to acquisition),
this is a considerable performance stopper.

How did I detect this problem:

  I had given a new product a "__getattr__" method.

  I was horrified by the time required to render my page templates in the
  context of these product instances.

  Thus, I added a "print" in my "__getattr__" to learn what 
  The result: my "__getattr__" is called for seconds with a
  single name: the one I use in a

I attach the template defining the macros and the template using
the macro.

I will investigate and keep you informed...


Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Description: Rendered ZPT
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    <div metal:use-macro="here/Feedback/macros/Feedback" />

    <address><a href="mailto:dieter@handshake.de">Dieter Maurer</a></address>
<!-- Created: Thu Aug  8 19:31:20 CEST 2002 -->
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Last modified: Thu Aug  8 19:34:10 CEST 2002
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Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Description: Macro defining ZPT
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<tal:div tal:define="PageTitle string:Feedback macros; FeedbackSuccessMessage string:Alles okay; FeedbackErrors python:('Fehler1', 'Fehler2',)">
	<html> <!-- metal:use-macro="container/Standard/macros/Page"> -->
	<title tal:content="PageTitle">Slot: PageTitle</title>
		<h1>Feedback Komponenten</h1>
		<p>This template provides general macros for user feedback, such as reporting success or failure.</p>
		<p>This macro is used to inform the user about a successful operation. It is displayed, when <code>FeedbackSuccessMessage</code> is defined and non empty. This variable is used as message content.</p>
			dmetal:description="render *FeedbackSuccessMessage*, if defined"
			tal:condition="FeedbackSuccessMessage | nothing">
			<span class="FeedbackSuc"
		<p>This macro is used to inform the user about a failed operation. It interpretes the <code>FeedbackErrors</code> variable which must be sequence of error messages.</p>
			dmetal:description="render *FeedbackErrors*, a sequence error messages, if defined"
			tal:condition="FeedbackErrors | nothing">
			<div tal:repeat="error FeedbackErrors">
			<span tal:content="error" class="FeedbackErr">Error</span><br/></div>
		<p>This macro combines <code>Success</code> and <code>Errors</code></p>
		<div metal:define-macro="Feedback"
			dmetal:arguments="FeedbackSuccessMessage; FeedbackErrors"
			dmetal:description="provide feedback to the user about the latest operation">
			<div metal:use-macro="here/Feedback/macros/Success">Success report</div>
			<div metal:use-macro="here/Feedback/macros/Errors">Errors report</div>
