[ZPT] zope page templates and image tags. tal:attributes:

Jean Jordaan jean@upfrontsystems.co.za
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 15:05:47 +0200

Just a stylistic note ..

Russell Uman wrote:
> using structure if you want the actual tag.
> <img tal:replace="structure python:here.images['image.gif'].tag(border=1, alt='zpt')" />

I've just been looking at ZPT and image tags .. in a case such as this,
I'd be tempted to write:

<tal:flower replace="structure python:here.images.flower.tag(border=1, 
alt='zpt')" />

using 'tal:flower' as a tag, rather than the attributeless 'img' tag
which gets completely replaced anyway. I'd use an 'img' tag there only
to accommodate a DreamWeaver designer who was working on the same
template. Actually, I'm not sure what I'd use --- what are the style
patterns you prefer?

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems                         http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za