[ZPT] Editing templates not affecting templates thats use macros from it

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:02:26 -0400

It is indeed true that <p><div></div></p> is invalid html as <p> tags are=
paragraph level (as are <h1-6>) and are allowed to contain only inline ta=

The parser sees the <div> following the <p> as an implicit close for the=20
paragraph (since closing tags are optional at the paragraph level and <di=
is block level) resulting in it being interpreted as:


And it of course complains that the 2nd </p> at the end has no matching s=

Getting this as a result of macro expansion is particularly evil. I think=
warrants better documentation in a "ZPT gotchas" section in the Zope book=


On Thursday 22 August 2002 09:03 am, Godefroid Chapelle wrote:
> At 21:15 21/08/2002, Clint Brubakken wrote:
> >If macros where expanded, it would gave me a tales error about </p> no=
> >matching the open tags. This same pt worked with the only macro, and t=
> >macro it self had no errors. The </p> it didn't like was the one of th=
> ><p></p> pair that surround the <span metal:fill-slot ...>...</span>.
> >
> >
> >I've even had pt's that display the new way, that when edited for othe=
> >reasons give me the tal error above.
> This looks like a wall I already have bumped.
> What I did not know is that the HTML parser checks for valid HTML=20
> constructs : for example it will refuse
> a <p><div>something</div></p> as it is invalid for HTML 4 (?).
> I am trying to infer from what you tell us above and have the feeling t=
> you may be producing invalid HTML through the use of the metal slots. I=
> can you check that you are not provoking situations like the refused I=20
> describe.
> I made some tests to check if this idea could be related to your proble=
> and found out what follows.
> It is easy to reproduce the following comportment :
> define two page templates with no macro expansion.
> 1) master  :
> <html metal:define-macro=3D"page">
>    <body>
>    <p><span metal:define-slot=3D"slot"/></p>
>    </body>
> </html>
> 2) user :
> <html metal:use-macro=3D"here/master/macros/page">
> <div metal:fill-slot=3D"slot">The slot</div>
> </html>
> If you do not expand, the rendering of user will work (no Zope error) a=
> produces invalid (?) HTML :
> <html>
>    <body>
>    <p><div>The slot</div></p>
>    </body>
> </html>
> If you choose to expand macros in "user" page template, it gives you th=
> following back
> <html metal:use-macro=3D"here/master/macros/page">
>    <body>
> <p><div metal:fill-slot=3D"slot">The slot</div></p>
>    </body>
> </html>
> The rendering of "user" page template still works (no Zope error) and=20
> produces invalid (?) HTML.
> If later you save any changes to "user" page template, you receive the=20
> following error message:
> Compilation failed
> TAL.HTMLTALParser.NestingError: Open tags <html>, <body> do not match c=
> tag </p>, at line 4, column 46
> !!!!!!!!! It is important to remark that the expansion alone do not=20
> generate any error message. !!!!!!!!!!
> To the community : is this something which should be added to the colle=
> as a bug ?
> IMHO yes, the comportment should be coherent and give an error when=20
> --
> Godefroid Chapelle
> BubbleNet sprl
> rue Victor Horta, 18 / 202
> 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
> Belgium
> Tel + 32 (10) 459901
> Mob + 32 (477) 363942
> TVA 467 093 008
> RC Niv 49849
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