[ZPT] PageTemplateFile s and product attributes

Clemens Robbenhaar zpt@zope.org
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:13:49 +0100

Hi Troy,

 > I have a pt:
 >    security.declareProtected('View management screens', 'manage_workspace')
 >    manage_workspace = PageTemplateFile('zpt/manage_workspace', 
 > globals(), __name__='manage_workspace')
 > The pertient code in the zpt is this:
 > <html metal:use-macro="here/manage_minimal_template/macros/master">
 >    <head>
 >    </head>
 >    <body>
 >      <div id="main" metal:fill-slot="main">
 >      <span tal:content="here/icon" />
 >      </div>
 >    </body>
 > </html>

This is the file system version, I guess? 
'icon' is an atribute of Your class  -- how do You access this from the
ZODB template? 
 'here/icon' may not be work, except instances of Your class are
folderish and the page template is placed within (or if some other
acquisition happend) ?  

Sorry for asking stupid things back, but I cannot reproduce the issue
now. Thanks for the traceback, anyway.
