[ZPT] Composer question

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 23:18:41 +0100

Jean Jordaan writes:
 > I've discovered that Composer in
 >    Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20021212
 > discards <tal:block ..> style code. I guess that's OK, though I
 > really like the <tal:block ..> idiom. Something else bugs me more
 > though. In the following, Composer discards the <span ..> tags::
 >    <select name="Country">
 >      <span tal:repeat="country_item here/interface/country_list">
 >      <option value=""
 >              tal:define="selected python:(feko_user.Country == count 
 > ry_item and 'selected') or ''"
 >              tal:attributes="value country_item; selected selected"
 >              tal:content="country_item">country_name
 >      </option>
 >      </span>
 >    </select>
 > That can't be right, can it? Is SPAN not a valid tag there?
Inside "select" only "option" and "optiongroup" are allowed (by
HTML 4); not "div" nor "span".

I fear, you must either:

  *  get rid of the "tal:define"

  *  use a better (more modern) HTML composer that can handle
     XML extension namespaces (such as GoLive or DreamWeaver)
