[ZPT] Template/Script Access Via "Manager" Script

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 20:03:42 +0100

Hi Dirk,

--On Samstag, 14. Dezember 2002 13:11 -0500 Dirk Leas <dirkLeas@mac.com> 

> I'd like to be access all my Zope objects (templates and scripts)
> through a single script. How can I "protect" or hide supporting forms
> from direct access, but still alow my "manager" to redirect to them? The
> manager will be doing some workflow/state management.

Redirect? Erm... redirect leaves the context of the server anyway.

I'd just subclass your objects and provide your own management interface
this way.
