[ZPT] Template/Script Access Via "Manager" Script

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 23:30:41 +0100

Dirk Leas writes:
 > I'd like to be access all my Zope objects (templates and scripts)
 > through a single script. How can I "protect" or hide supporting forms
 > from direct access, but still alow my "manager" to redirect to them? The
 > manager will be doing some workflow/state management.
Your question is not very clear.

  What do you mean with "direct access"?

  What is "redirecting to them by manager"?

When I assume that "direct access" should mean "through the Web access"
and "redirecting to them by manager" should mean "they should still
be manageable", then one answer is:

  When an object is "called" through the Web, ZPublisher looks for
  an "index_html" attribute (and acquires it, if necessary).
  When it does not find one or it is "None", it tries to call
  the object directly. Otherwise, it calls "index_html".

  Scripts, templates and so on, define "index_html=None" to
  get their "__call__" method called.

  This gives you a way to prevent direct through the Web access
  by setting an (non-None) "index_html" attribute.

A long time ago, I posted an External Method to the mailing list
that allows you to set/reset an "index_html" attribute for any object.
Either search the mailing list archive or do it directly (it is not
