[ZPT] python: path(request/foo) or 0
Tim Head
Sun, 03 Feb 2002 15:44:31 +0100
i've got a question. in one of the examples(the file thingie) the start
varible has the value that is submited with the request or if left blank
defaults to 0. i tried to do they same in one of my pages with the
result that i end up with an error if the variable isn't submited with
the request.
It seems the OR doesn't work.
I copied the line from the example(it works fine there) and pasted it
into my page template.
does anyone have an idea why this does not work ??
thank you tim
"The Universe is a pretty big place, it's bigger than anything anyone
has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us, seems like an awful
waste of space, right?"