[ZPT] ZPT->script->ZPT rendering problem

alan milligan alan_milligan@hotmail.com
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 00:50:29

>alan milligan wrote:
>>return container.key_server_results(request)
>Passing 'request' to the ZPT isn't necessary, but it should also have no
>effect on the template as written.  It does make me suspicious of this
>line, though:
> > #request = context.searchKey(request)

This line was commented so as to exhibit 'passthru' behaviour.

The reason I made the assignment is that I don't know that much about Zope, 
and whilst I'd hope there was only a single process with the single piece of 
'request' storage being passed by reference to all different incantations 
(ZPT, Python Script, External Method), I thought I'd hedge against passing 
by value anyway :)

>Other than that, I can't tell what's going on.

The problem appears to be the substitution of the macro getting screwed up 
in the final ZPT, key_server_request.  If I remove the metal tag and just 
use plain html tags instead, it actually works.

Since this ZPT works fine when I test it stand-alone, I surmise that the 
request is somehow interfering with the macro expansion.

If only someone would give me some pointers to prove this hypothesis ...

Cheers, Alan

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