[ZPT] New standalone release of ZPT

Evan Simpson evan@4-am.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 12:41:47 -0500

I'd been meaning to get to this for quite some while.  I've just 
uploaded version 1.5.0 of PageTemplates, TAL, and ZTUtils.  This version 
has the same code as the ZPT packaged with Zope 2.5+, except for string 
methods.  It should be compatible with Python 1.5.2 and older versions 
of Zope.

This brings the standalone release up to date feature- and license-wise, 
but it will probably be the last release of this sort that I create 
(apart from the traditional brown-bag bugfix release).  If I make new 
standalone releases after this, they will require Python 2.1+.

As usual, downloads are at http://www.zope.org/Members/4am/ZPT


Evan @ 4-am