[ZPT] ZPT rendering

Brian Lalor blalor+dated+1024032885.c6e070@ithacabands.org
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 22:34:43 -0700 (MST)

On 9 Jun 2002, Lucas Di Pentima wrote:

> My problem is that when I ask the ZPT to render itself, it doesn't take
> the DTML Doc's output _literally_, but what it does is convert all HTML
> Tags to <b> and so on...
> How can I make ZPT _not_ to convert all HTML tags to &blabla;?

preface the object name with "structure" like so:

<li tal:repeat=3D"child container/folder/objectValues"> <span
    tal:replace=3D"structure child"></span></li>

      Brian Lalor                 |    http://introducingthelalors.org/
  blalor@ithacabands.org (email)  |  blalor@jabber.ithacabands.org (jabber)
                       N33=B027.369' W111=B056.304' (Earth)