[ZPT] Re: batching and sorting in one go

Michal Kurowski michal@genesilico.pl
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 20:32:38 +0200

Jim Kutter [jim@ebizq.net] wrote:
> Hi, not sure if this is correct, but it was my experience that calling methods with parameters, all the parameters must be passed by name.
> i.e.
> here.adv_sort(results,arg='born',mode='up')
> make into
> here.adv_sort(results=resuts,arg='born',mode='up')
> Like I said, I've had similar problems when I didn't specify each parameter explicity, but don't quote it as the rule. I'm kind of new too ;)

I don't think so...

As far as I know this shoulb be ok in the python sense:

python: here.adv_sort(results,arg='born',mode='up'

because "results " is alrady defined and "arg" and "mode" are

But I still get this error:
Error Value: exceptions.AttributeError on sort in ""

Michal Kurowski