[ZPT] Re: batching and sorting in one go

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
27 Jun 2002 16:50:35 -0400

On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 16:17, Michal Kurowski wrote:
> Casey Duncan [casey@zope.com] wrote:
> > You know because the column to sort on is passed in the request. You
> > pass this along to the sql method and use it to display the user
> > interface correctly.
> > 
> > Re-rendering the template is a matter of creating a link to itself that
> > passes the desired sorting parameters.
> > 
> I know it's basics but there's what I got:
> Error Value: exceptions.TypeError on object of type 'string' is not callable in ""
> when I try:
> if variable != '' and mode != '':
>     out = context.getJobs_sorted(variable=variable, mode=mode)
>     return context.REQUEST['URL0'](results=out)

REQUEST['URL0'] is just a url string. You cannot call it.

It looks to me like you are trying to construct a link, or call the
template, I'm not sure which.

I think you may have too many separate scripts. What is this Python
script supposed to do exactly?

I assume getJobs_sorted is the ZSQL method right? Why not call it
directly from ZPT or the batching script? Is this the batching script?

> and from the ZPT:
> tal:attributes="href python: here.pass_sorted(variable='status', mode='asc')
> Help ?
> -- 
> Michal Kurowski
> <michal@genesilico.pl>