[ZPT] TALES: Path expressions?

Alan Kennedy zpt@xhaus.com
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 10:01:55 EST5EDT

> Joel wrote:
> > Possibly. But Python expressions lead to some ugliness, 
such as when
> > dealing with objects with a . in their name, and having 
to know whether
> > something is callable () or not.

Evan wrote:

> The language-independent concept of 
> 'paths' used here is deliberately similar to Zope's own 
> mapping.  You can address an object without having to 
worry about the 
> underlying details of resolving that address.  

But since I am using ZPT outside of Zope, because it's 
simply a great templating language, following Zope's URL-to-
object mapping is of far less concern to me. 

Also, I don't see where the ugliness comes in, if I am 
simply 'eval()'ing a python expression, unless python 
expressions are themselves ugly. If an object is callable, 
then developers could simply call it themselves.

> Joel wrote:
> > plus I think independence from Python was one of design 
intentions of the
> > ZPT package.

Independence from python/jython is far less of a concern 
for me.

The reasons why I'm thinking this way is that removing path 
expressions from the TALES grammar and treating expressions 
as path expressions makes it *much* easier to implement.


Thanks all,


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