[ZPT] Sanity Patch
Casey Duncan
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 07:33:13 -0800 (PST)
I think there is a larger issue here. It should be
possible to set/change this setting globally without
changing code or touching every template. Also, it
should be possible to automagically "unexpand"
template macros after the fact.
I might be inclined to make a proposal to this affect
and see about pushing it through for 2.6.
Turning off this setting by default would be bad
though, because one of the main points of ZPT is to
allow editing of templates by WYSIWYG tools. These
tools, unfortunately, do not work right unless the
macros are expanded.
I think perhaps there needs to be three settings for
an enhanced expand macros option (that can be set
globally or locally to individual PTs):
expand, and stay expanded (like now)
expand on edit and auto collapse
don't expand
Thoughts anyone?
Chris Withers wrote:
> Hi All,
> If there are any objections to me making the
following patch, shout up within
> the next 12 hours! ;-)
>>RCS file:
>>retrieving revision 1.21
>>diff -r1.21 PageTemplate.py
>>< expand = 1
>>> expand = 0
> ...as it's driving me and most other ZPT users
absoluting insane!
> cheers,
> Chris
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