[ZPT] Mozilla and Galeon vs. ZPT

Brent M Hendricks brentmh@ece.rice.edu
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 10:22:53 -0600


Are you just "Saving" or are you uploading the file?


Chris Meyers wrote:
> I just installed the Mozilla .99 and Galeon 1.2.0 browsers and they seem to have a small confilict with ZPT (at least the ZPT that comes standard w/ 2.5.0 v1-4-0). When I try to save a ZPT over 5kb in size through the management interface nothing happens. Well actually that isn't true the hourglass pops up but I never get anything back from the server. A top command on the server shows that nothing is happening there, so the process seems to be stalled on the client. I can save smaller ZPT's without a problem, as well as >5kb python scripts, dtml docs etc.
> To me this seems like a Mozilla bug rather than a ZPT bug and I can get around it with CaDAVer, so this is really more of a heads up message than anything else. However if anyone else has had this problem or if you have any more info that I could pass along to Mozilla bugtracker, let me know.
> Thanks
> Chris Meyers
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