[ZPT] how can I avoid path to grow huge ??
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 1 May 2002 21:15:07 +0200
Robert Rottermann writes:
> Thanks dieter,
> As you can see, I am using only relative paths.
> <a href="scripts/showGardenPage?roomnr=gd"
> tal:content="structure python:here.scripts.worte('selection',
> 'gd')">
I said "simple relative" and explained "without containing '/'".
Your path is relative but not simple: there is this "/" between
"scripts" and "showGardenPage"...
> changing it to (adding tall:attributes):
> <a href="scripts/showGardenPage?roomnr=gd"
> tal:attributes="href python:'%s/showGardenPage?roomnr=gd' %
> here.scripts.absolute_url()"
> tal:content="structure python:here.scripts.worte('selection',
> 'gd')">
> Garten-Dekoration
> </a>
> works but seems convoluted and I fail to understand why it is neccessary.
When you would read the "Web Publishing" section of
you might understand:
When you use any relative reference, the browser adds the
documents base reference.
The base reference is either explicitly specified in the document
with a "base" tag in the HTML "head" element or derived
by the browser from the document URL (by stripping from right
to the last '/').
This gives your the following options:
* live with the path lengthening
* avoid "/" in relative references
* set the base tag appropriately (not easy)
* use absolute URLs