[ZPT] Re: [Zope] returning an HTML comment from ZPT
Thu, 23 May 2002 17:03:39 -0500
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On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 03:01:18PM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
| Hi Fred :-)
| "Fred L. Drake, Jr." wrote:
| >=20
| > What makes you think that? Why would something *inside* a comment get
| > expanded? I'd be very surprised myself.
I wasn't terribly surprised by this, but I agree with Chris wrt to how
it should behave.
| Well, comments are sent to browsers, so are their contents. For me,
| that makes them fair game for interpolation.
| Who knows? Maybe you want some debugging:
| <!-- dammit, we got xxx again -->
| ...which you don't want to be visible for users?
This is precisely what I was trying to do :-).
| > Is it simply that DTML does it differently, or do you think there's a
| > functional problem with not expanding commented-out TAL/METAL
| > constructs? Should it not be possible to include comments about TAL
| > constructs (with examples) in page templates?
| Well, there's two things that I guess are getting mixed here?
| HTML comments - which I think should be expanded
| TAL/METAL comments - which shouldn't be expanded.
| I usually do the latter as:
| <tal:comment condition=3D"">
| This code stinks, I should fix it some time ;-)
| </tal:comment>
I didn't know about the "tal:comment" tag. =20
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