[ZPT] Re: [Zope] returning an HTML comment from ZPT

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Fri, 24 May 2002 09:52:16 +0100

dman wrote:
> | I usually do the latter as:
> |
> | <tal:comment condition="">
> | This code stinks, I should fix it some time ;-)
> | </tal:comment>
> I didn't know about the "tal:comment" tag.

We really meed to document this better. There isn't a tal:comment tag as such, just
everything in the tal or metal namespaces is omitted from the output stream. It also means
you don't have to put tal: in front of every attribute name.

The above could also have been written as:

<div tal:condition="">
This code stinks, I should fix it some time ;-)


<tal:monkey condition="">
This code stinks, I should fix it some time ;-)

