[ZPT] testing for the existence of a variable
Clemens Robbenhaar
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 23:33:11 +0100
> I want to set the value of a variable in ZPT only if it isn't already
> set. The problem is whenever I reference the variable when it has not
> been set I get an error. This sounds so simple but I have tried many
> different ways to accomplish this and every time I come up empty handed.
> example: this is what I want to do ...
> <span tal:define="language python:test(language, language,
> 'french')></span>
> or in a Perl paradigm:
> unless ($language) { $language = "french"; }
> Does anybody have an elegant solution to this problem?
there is a simple trick I have borrowed from page templates in the Silva
product (most probably in use a lot elsewhere, too).
tal:define="language language | string:french"
may do what You want. However it sets the variable if it is defined and
the empty string, too, thus You may prefer:
tal:define="language exists:language | string:french"