[ZPT] Structural Logic: Really, It Is...

Clemens Robbenhaar robbenhaar@espresto.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 13:17:28 +0200

Hi Beno,

 > ><font style="font" tal:attributes="style 
 > >python:here.sizeCalc(44,here.size(None,  context))" >
 > Error Type: NameError
 > Error Value: global name 'context' is not defined

grr, DTML: 'context' -> ZPT: 'here'. I always get confused with the different
implicitly defined names of DTML vs. ZPT.

There are some conversion hints at:


(lots of examples, ever looked there?), but no systematic table.
Maybe one day I will add one, _if_ I know how to translate them.
