[ZPT] Weird ZPT macro bug

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 17:00:42 +0100

On 7/10/02 4:45 pm, "Andreas Jung" <zopyx@t-online.de> wrote:

> I have defined the following working macro
>   <div metal:define-macro="transcript_plain">
>     <p tal:repeat="entry here/transcript">
>       <pre tal:content="entry/getComment"> </pre>
>     </p>
>   </div>
> When I replace the 'pre' tag by a 'div' tag
>   <div metal:define-macro="transcript_plain">
>     <p tal:repeat="entry here/transcript">
>       <div tal:content="entry/getComment"> </div>
>     </p>
>   </div>
> I get the following error:
> Error Type: TALESError
> Error Value: Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate.PTRuntimeError on Page
> Template collector_macros has errors. in
> "standard:'here/collector_macros/macros/issue_header'", at line 12, column 3
> The error occurs in the template where I am calling the macro.
> Is this some kind of side effect?
> Andreas

Isn't it that you can't have a div tag inside a p tag, ie a block tag inside
an inline one?

I *think* this is disabled if you change the content_type to be text/xml
(usually text/html).

Dr Tony McDonald,  Assistant Director, FMCC, http://www.fmcc.org.uk/
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 243 6140
A Zope list for UK HE/FE  http://www.fmcc.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/zope