[ZPT] CVS: Zope/lib/python/ZTUtils - Tree.py:

Martijn Pieters mj@zope.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 16:03:31 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Zope/lib/python/ZTUtils
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv4425/lib/python/ZTUtils

Modified Files:
      Tag: Zope-2_6-branch
Log Message:
Merge additional TreeMaker accessor methods and stateFunction functionality
from the trunk.

=== Zope/lib/python/ZTUtils/Tree.py => ===
--- Zope/lib/python/ZTUtils/Tree.py:	Mon Oct  7 15:45:10 2002
+++ Zope/lib/python/ZTUtils/Tree.py	Mon Oct  7 16:03:30 2002
@@ -64,8 +64,11 @@
     _assume_children = 0
     _values_filter = None
     _values_function = None
+    _state_function = None
     _expand_root = 1
+    _cached_children = None
     def setChildAccess(self, attrname=_marker, filter=_marker,
         '''Set the criteria for fetching child nodes.
@@ -83,6 +86,60 @@
             self._values_function = function
+    def setIdAttr(self, id):
+        """Set the attribute or method name called to get a unique Id.
+        The id attribute or method is used to get a unique id for every node in
+        the tree, so that the state of the tree can be encoded as a string using
+        Tree.encodeExpansion(). The returned id should be unique and stable
+        across Zope requests.
+        If the attribute or method isn't found on an object, either the objects
+        persistence Id or the result of id() on the object is used instead.
+        """
+        self._id = id
+    def setExpandRoot(self, expand):
+        """Set wether or not to expand the root node by default.
+        When no expanded flag or mapping is passed to .tree(), assume the root
+        node is expanded, and leave all subnodes closed.
+        The default is to expand the root node.
+        """
+        self._expand_root = not not expand
+    def setAssumeChildren(self, assume):
+        """Set wether or not to assume nodes have children.
+        When a node is not expanded, when assume children is set, don't
+        determine if it is a leaf node, but assume it can be opened. Use this
+        when determining the children for a node is expensive.
+        The default is to not assume there are children.
+        """
+        self._assume_children = not not assume
+    def setStateFunction(self, function):
+        """Set the expansion state function.
+        This function will be called to determine if a node should be open or
+        collapsed, or should be treated as a leaf node. The function is passed
+        the current object, and the intended state for that object. It should
+        return the actual state the object should be in. State is encoded as an
+        integer, meaning:
+            -1: Node closed. Children will not be processed.
+             0: Leaf node, cannot be opened or closed, no children are
+                processed.
+             1: Node opened. Children will be processed as part of the tree.
+        """
+        self._state_function = function
     def tree(self, root, expanded=None, subtree=0):
         '''Create a tree from root, with specified nodes expanded.
@@ -97,14 +154,17 @@
             # Assume a mapping
             expanded = expanded.has_key(node.id)
             child_exp = child_exp.get(node.id)
-        if expanded or (not subtree and self._expand_root):
-            children = self.getChildren(root)
-            if children:
-                node.state = 1 # expanded
-                for child in children:
-                    node._add_child(self.tree(child, child_exp, 1))
-        elif self.hasChildren(root):
-            node.state = -1 # collapsed
+        expanded = expanded or (not subtree and self._expand_root)
+        # Set state to 0 (leaf), 1 (opened), or -1 (closed)
+        state = self.hasChildren(root) and (expanded or -1)
+        if self._state_function is not None:
+            state = self._state_function(node.object, state)
+        node.state = state
+        if state > 0:
+            for child in self.getChildren(root):
+                node._add_child(self.tree(child, child_exp, 1))
         if not subtree:
             node.depth = 0
         return node
@@ -127,9 +187,18 @@
     def hasChildren(self, object):
         if self._assume_children:
             return 1
-        return self.getChildren(object)
+        # Cache generated children for a subsequent call to getChildren
+        self._cached_children = (object, self.getChildren(object))
+        return not not self._cached_children[1]
     def getChildren(self, object):
+        # Check and clear cache first
+        if self._cached_children is not None:
+            ob, children = self._cached_children
+            self._cached_children = None
+            if ob is object:
+                return children
         if self._values_function is not None:
             return self._values_function(object)