[ZPT] ReStructuredText Document and ZPT

Uwe Hentzschel uhe@stahl-groeditz.de
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 21:52:09 +0200


the following mail has my problem with "Structured document" solved, only 
as looks it thing with "ReStructuredText document". 
I would like to use "ReStructuredText document" because of the extended 
possibilities. Further a problem is the treatment of the documents with 
the help of the "ExternalEditor"'s. I always get one "bobo exception". 

Hopefully I mean question not too trivial. 


List-Archive: <http://lists.zope.org/pipermail/zpt/>

Brad Clements wrote:

> I could create a PageTemplate for every structured Text file that will have the 
> PageTemplate render the structured text using a "master" macro.

I'm not sure I understand.  Do you want all of the structured text files 
rendered the same way, apart from the text itself?  In this case I would 
just do something like:

Page Template "stview"
<div tal:replace="structure here">
This is where the structured text will go.
...more stuff

...and write URLs like http://myhost.com/foo/blah/MySTDoc1/stview.  Then 
"here" is the structured text object.  I'm assuming that calling it will 
generate HTML, but if a method of the object needs to be called you just 
write "structure here/theMethod".