[ZPT] structure usage question

Chris Meyers chris@hddesign.com
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:29:31 -0500

On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 04:09:21PM -0400, Lynn Ranen wrote:
> hi -- i'm trying to do this
> <a href="$url_query_string"> something else goes here </a>
>     where $url_query_string = GET string calling cgi function
> After some hoop-jumping, I have this:
>   <a tal:attributes="href python:'Reports.py?doit&task_id=%s' %(taskid)">
> foo </a>

You can do something like this:

<a tal:attributes="href string:Reports.py?&amp;task_id=${taskid}">foo</a>

Chris Meyers
Huttleston Data Design
7941 Tree Lane Suite 200
Madison WI 53717