[ZPT] Re: [Zope] Using ZPT with options/radio/checkboxes

Ron Bickers rbickers-expires-1060965635.cdc72b at logicetc.com
Fri Aug 8 13:39:52 EDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geir Bækholt [mailto:lists at elvix.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:18 AM

> >> Now that we've determined that it's pretty easy to do a
> checkbox without
> >> this feature, should it still be used/abused?  Any reason this behavior
> >> would be removed from a future Zope, or is this a (not well-documented)
> >> convenience that will stay?
> I assume this is about the selected="selected" output ?


The feature of removing the attribute altogether when the result is
'nothing' is consistent in all cases and well-documented, so I wasn't
referring to that.

> Ron : what is it that leads you to think it is being abused?

When behavior isn't documented (and please let me know if it is documented
and I just haven't found it), the use of it could be considered abuse in
that it might not be officially supported or expected to be used that way.
If this feature is a good thing and is meant to be used, it should have a
place in The Zope Book, esp. since it's an exception to what is currently

> What would be the reason for removing a feature that helps templates
> and syntax stay clean and that behaves in a predictable way?

"Behaves in a predictable way" is not the case according to the
documentation.  I think it's a nice feature, but I don't like using "just
happens to be that way" features, always wondering if it will change in the
future (thus my original question).


Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.

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