[ZPT] Including data from ZSQL method in src: attribute

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu Aug 28 22:22:35 EDT 2003

Mitch Pirtle wrote at 2003-8-28 11:44 -0400:
 > A little snag here, I'm looping through the results of a query that
 > includes first_name ('Mitch') and mugshot ('mitchy.jpg').
 > The concept I currently fail to grasp is how to insert the value of
 > mugshot in the src attribute.  The value of mugshot is just a pointer to
 > images ("media/mitchy.jpg" in the example).  I've coded it thusly:
 > ...
 >   <tr repeat="row here/listEmployeeDetails">
 >     <td><img tal:attributes="src string:${portal_url}/media/?"></td>

       <td><img tal:attributes="src string:${portal_url}/media/${row/mugshot}"></td>

 >     <td><span tal:content="row/first_name">First</span></td>


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