[ZPT] Plone conference talk - ideas please!

Edward Muller edwardam at interlix.com
Thu Aug 28 16:12:48 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 07:46, Philip Kilner wrote:

> Although I haven't yet cracked the form validation/error handling side...

Whaddya mean?

zpt for display, posts to a python script which does the
validation/error handling, which if there is an error spits the errror
back out to the current page so the data can be re-submitted after the
error is completed. If there are no errors then the script does what it
needs to with the data, which may be calling one or more SQL methods ...
redirecting to a new page, etc..

Edward Muller

Interlix (http://www.interlix.com)
Phone: 417-862-0573 - Cell: 417-844-2435 - Fax: 417-862-0572

Web Hosting - PC Service & Support - Custom Programming - Network Service & Support
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