[ZPT] trying to understand ZPT macros...

Clemens Robbenhaar zpt@zope.org
Wed, 8 Jan 2003 14:46:28 +0100

Hi Anthony,

 > but if I try something like 
 > <span metal:define-macro="renderLinkGroup">
 >   <div class="lgOtherTitle" tal:content="linkgroup/title"> title </div>
 >   <div class="lgOtherEntry"
 >     tal:repeat="bloglink linkgroup/getLinks">
 >     <a tal:attributes="href bloglink/URL"
 >        tal:content="bloglink/text" href="">sample link</a>
 >   </div>
 > </span>
 > <div class="lgOther"
 >      tal:define="linkgroup python:blog.linkGroups.get('blogs')"
 >      metal:use-macro="macros/renderLinkGroup">
 > </div>
 > I get a keyerror on 'linkgroup' in the macro definition...

 This happens because the 'metal:use-macro' eats the complete tag,
including the 'tal:define', which is not executed at all.

You need to do double nesting like:

 <tal:params define="linkgroup python:blog.linkGroups.get('blogs')">
    <metal:block use-macro="macros/renderLinkGroup" />

(I personally prefer to use '<tal:' and '<metal:' tags instead of
'tal:', 'metal;' attributes, if the tag will not be rendered anyway due
to TALES/METAL substitution.)

Warning: untested code. I guess it should work because similar code
works for me in similar situations.

Hope this helps.
