[ZPT] trying to understand ZPT macros...

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha@swing.be
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 15:41:57 +0100

At 15:02 8/01/2003, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> > You need to do double nesting like:
> >
> >  <tal:params define="linkgroup python:blog.linkGroups.get('blogs')">
> >     <metal:block use-macro="macros/renderLinkGroup" />
> >  </tal:params>

This should work...

>Hm. Well, I tried this exact same thing, and it's still not happy.

So you need to tell us more...

I have the feeling that you are trying to both define and use a macro in 
the same file.
If it's the case, I was not able to find how to make that work in Zope.

>Here's some more info - I'm using ZPT outside zope, and it's all been
>happy (until now :)

I am also using ZPT outside Zope and am successful using macros.
So there's hope ;-)


Godefroid Chapelle

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