[ZPT] Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition
Shane Hathaway
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:10:20 -0500
In TAL I find that I frequently have to invent tags just to execute some
condition or variable definition repeatedly. For example:
<tr tal:repeat="item here/objectItems">
<tal:block tal:condition="python: item[1].date < expiration"
tal:define="key python: item[0]; value python: item[1]">
I can't put the tal:condition and tal:define attributes in the <tr> tag,
since then they would be executed only once, before the loop. But I'd
really like to avoid the need for "tal:block", while checking the
condition and making the "key" and "value" variables available when
presenting the table cells.
Proposed Solution
Add two new TAL attributes, "repeat-define" and "repeat-condition".
These have the same semantics as "define" and "condition", respectively,
but when combined with a "repeat" attribute, they get executed once
per loop iteration. I would be able to rewrite the above example like this:
<tr tal:repeat="item here/objectItems"
tal:repeat-define="key python: item[0]; value python: item[1]"
tal:repeat-condition="python: value.date < expiration">
What do you think?