[ZPT] Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition

Godefroid Chapelle gotcha@swing.be
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 09:41:41 +0100

At 03:16 22/01/2003, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>I imagine that the choice would be made at compile time, so that templates 
>with the processing instruction would produce different byte code than 
>templates without the PI.
>One minor concern is that old page template parsers will see the new 
>templates and blissfully proceed to parse them incorrectly.  I think we 
>need a way to specify the required version of TAL in templates.

Do we have such a mechanism with Python ?

The tal:importfuture statement is enough I think: an old parser would not 
know about it. We may need to ensure that it is playing well with macros. 
IOW What if a page parsed by an old parser uses macro defined in a page 
with the tal:importfuture statetement. Do we need a correlated 
metal:importfuture ?



Godefroid Chapelle

BubbleNet sprl
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