[ZPT] Mini proposal: repeat-define and repeat-condition
Jamie Heilman
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:05:30 -0800
Fernando Martins wrote:
> How about having the grammar:
> argument ::= variable_name expression [; condition] [;define-var]*
> define_var ::= variable_name expression
> variable_name ::= Name
> condition ::= expression
> Or, more flexible but with tricky semantics:
> argument ::= variable_name expression [;define-var | condition]*
> define_var ::= variable_name expression
> variable_name ::= Name
> condition ::= expression
These are the most sane suggestions to date. They don't break
backwards compatability, and they don't needlessly bloat the TAL
operation set. I don't have any arguments against this approach, does
Jamie Heilman http://audible.transient.net/~jamie/
"We must be born with an intuition of mortality. Before we know the words
for it, before we know there are words, out we come bloodied and squalling
with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there's only
one direction, and time is its only measure." -Rosencrantz