[ZPT] changing the order of operations

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred at zope.com
Mon Jul 28 17:38:10 EDT 2003

Jamie Heilman writes:
 > Meh.  TAL isn't python.  The common case is the quickest to type,
 > thats a good thing, the only incongruity is that 'default' is false
 > for tal:omit-tag and true for tal:condition.

Not sure what you mean here; tal:omit-tag allows "" for true (omit the
tag), while tal:condition requires an expression (at least according
to the spec I'm looking at, which is labelled TAL 1.4).

 > While thats odd, its not particularly debilitating, whereas the
 > speed issues with TAL are.

I don't see any practical reason not to allow tal:omit-tag to inform
processing of tal:attributes.  Technically there's the issue of
tal:attributes expressions which have side effects no longer being
processed, but anyone that does that deserves what they get.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fred at zope.com>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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