[ZPT] Re: ZPT, ZSQL Method and Python script

Evan Simpson evan at 4-am.com
Fri May 9 15:26:40 EDT 2003

James G. Webster wrote:
> happening in the script of the Z SQL method.  I'm passing the
> parameters to the SQL method as "request['foo'],request['bar'].

Unless you are passing a single object that contains all of your data, 
you need to use named parameters or none at all with Z SQL Methods.

If your parameters are actually 'foo' and 'bar', and are coming from the 
request, you can simply write:


...since in this case it will automatically look for parameters in 
REQUEST.  If you need to massage/substitute parameter values, you use:

mySqlMethod(foo=32, bar=REQUEST['bar'])


Evan @ 4-am

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