[ZPT] Editing a field using select tag

Clemens Robbenhaar robbenhaar at espresto.com
Sun May 18 18:19:52 EDT 2003

Santi Camps writes:

 > But I have an existencial doubt.  When I use ZPT to edit a record, and
 > this record have one field represented with a select tag, I haven't
 > found other way to do it that repeat de <option> tag with two opposite
 > conditions.  Like this:
 > <select>
 > <span tal:repeat="record loop" tal:omit-tag="">
 >   <option tal:content="record/title" tal:attributes="value record/id"
 > tal:condition="is_current_record" SELECTED> </option>
 >   <option tal:content="record/title" tal:attributes="value record/id"
 > tal:condition="is_not_current_record"> </option> 
 > </span>
 > </select>
 > Is there a better way to do this?  

 I do not think one needs to be an existencialist here ;-)

 In similar cases I try something like:

  <option selected 
     tal:repeat="record loop"
        value record/id;
        selected python:test(is_current_record, default, nothing)" />

 If an attribute in the tal:attributes clause is set to "nothing";
it will not be rendered.

 Using "default" for the "select" attributes renders the tag as

  <option selected="selected' ...

 I guess this is something that You may want. Only rendering 
'<option selected ...' seems not to be supported, as it is no valid
XHTML, but even Netscape4 seems to understand the '<option select="selected"'


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