[ZPT] Zope newbie question on accessing DTML Methods from ZPT

Evan Simpson evan at 4-am.com
Wed May 28 12:54:50 EDT 2003

Tom P. Allred wrote:
> If I replace div with span it will compile but when I Test it it displays
> the html code for the subfolder listing but does not render it.

<div> implicitly closes <p>, so stick with <span>.   Your final problem 
can be solved thusly:

<p metal:use-macro="container/macrosdoc.zpt/macros/page2">
    <span metal:fill-slot="body">
       Just something to print
       <span tal:replace="structure here/navigation"></span>

...since you want to preserve the HTML structure, not escape it.


Evan @ 4-am

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