[ZPT] accessing zsql result object in a zpt via traversal

Mark Bronstein mark at bronsteinlaw.com
Mon Sep 1 22:45:48 EDT 2003

I am trying to traverse to a zsql method result object that takes a 
single parameter (a record ID) and displays the  results in a page template.

I can get it to work with a dtml method:

E.g. calling http://zoperoot/zsqlmethod/45/viewrecord.dtml

where viewrecord.dtml contains references to the fields in the zsql 
result object using <dtml-var fieldname>   the dtml must be able to 
navigate to the right namespace automatically.

But when I try to use a page template instead, ie,

I cant figure out how to access the fields.  in my tal:content 
statements.  I've tried result/fieldname, result/form/fieldname, 
result/options/fieldname etc.  Can someone help?



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