[ZPT] Generating XML documents in ZPT

Philip Kilner phil at xfr.co.uk
Mon Aug 16 05:30:25 EDT 2004

Hi List,

Philip Kilner wrote:
> <GUID>
> <span tal:replace="RequestRecord/GUID">GUID</span>
> </GUID>
> ...instead of the expected: -
> <guid>DC1FCC1A-669F-4C4A-8789-098461402D55</guid>
> ...e.g. I'm seeing the source rather than the output of the TAL statements.

Re-reading that, I feel like a bit of a muppet - surely I should be 
using tal:content in my GUID tag, rather than using the (HTML) span?

Would this be the problem?

(Will test, but all comments welcome)




Email: phil at xfr.co.uk / Voicemail & Facsimile: 07092 070518

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne" - Chaucer

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