[ZPT] Generating XML documents in ZPT

Florent Guillaume fg at nuxeo.com
Mon Aug 16 10:17:34 EDT 2004

In article <411C98D0.1050002 at xfr.co.uk> you write:
> Hi List,
> I'm just investigating what seem to be some odd behaviour - I'm using 
> ZPT to generate XML, and have two problems: -
> - For consistency, I set the mime type of the ZPT to "text/xml" as 
> opposed to "text/html" - but this caused the template source to be rendered!

You have to declare the tal namespace if you're writing XML.

> - The element names are mixed case in the ZPT, but in the rendered 
> document seem to be converted to lower-case (which throws a spanner in 
> the works at the other end, where the document is parsed). Needless to 
> say, because of the first point this is when the document has an HTML 
> mime type - might it behave as expected if I can fix the mime type?

This may be a bug, but I don't know enough about the XML parser.


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 71 59  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg at nuxeo.com

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