[ZPT] Making ZPT usuable outside Zope

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Aug 31 04:09:52 EDT 2004

Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> I'm proposing to merge as many of Richard's changes as possible, so I 
>> guess it's time to strike up a discussion on the ZPT list.
> Before hacking away on the Z2 page template implementation, you
> should have a look at the Z3 page template implementation -- the
> stuff in zope/pagetemplate might already meet your goals since the
> Z3 appserver specific stuff is all supposed to live in
> zope/app/pagetemplate (and the docs and test suites appear to agree).
> It is also an easier place to fix problems you discover, since you
> don't have to worry about backwards compatibility so much.

Well yes, but my stated aim was to get somethign which worked in Zope 2, 
Zope 3 and outside of Zope. I see no reason to have three different 
versions of ZPT which all have to be independently supported and optimised.

> The Z3 page template implemetation just depends on
> zope.tal, zope.tales and zope.interface 

Ah, the "zope" package problem again :-/
What did the Zope 3 people decide to do with that and the clash with the 
Zope package in Zope 2?

> - it should be a nicely
> packaged/packagable implementation that works for Z3 and outside
> of Zope. I don't know if it is worth backporting this to Z2.

I think it is, since if it works outside of Zope 3, why should it not 
work in Zope 2? ;-)


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            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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